
Hawk Tuah Girl, Hailey Welch Odds-On To Appear in Playboy According to Betting Odds

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hawk tuah girl

Key Highlights

  • “Hawk Tuah Girl” Hailey Welch odds-on to pose nude in Playboy
  • Welch +600 to hit 1 million+ Instagram followers by end of year
  • Hailey more likely than not to appear in a TV commercial according to betting odds

If you have access to the internet, you would have done well to avoid seeing “Hawk Tuah Girl” over the past few days. Hailey Welch has risen to fame through a street interview conducted by YouTubers Tim and Dee, where she humorously responded to a question about bedroom moves with the phrase, “Oh, you gotta give him that hawk tuah and spit on that thang!” This phrase, delivered in her distinctive Southern accent, quickly turned into a meme and garnered millions of views on TikTok and Instagram.

Now, thoughts are turning what's next for Hailey. Expert oddsmakers at Sports7 have put together a list of potential next moves for Welch.

What Will “Hawk Tuah Girl” Do in the Future?

  • Appear in Playboy -110
  • Create an OnlyFans -250
  • Appear in TV Commercial -150
  • Appear in Sex Tape +200
  • Star in Her Own Reality TV Show +400

How Many Instagram Followers Will Hailey Welch Have on December 31, 2024?

Current Follower Count: 45,000 (@hailey_welch93)

  • 100,000 or more -600
  • 500,000 or more +150
  • 1 million or more +600

“Hawk Tuah Girl” to Appear in Playboy?

Hailey Welch, known for her viral “Hawk Tuah” video, has been making headlines with her candid and humorous take on intimate topics. The betting odds for Welch appearing in Playboy are set at -110, indicating a near-even chance (approximately 52.4% probability) that she might pose nude for the iconic magazine.

Given her newfound fame and the attention she's garnered, this move could be a strategic step in capitalizing on her internet celebrity status. Posing for Playboy would not only boost her visibility but also potentially open doors to further opportunities in the entertainment and modeling industries.

Welch to Hit 1 Million Instagram Followers by Year's End

Currently, Welch has about 45,000 followers on her Instagram account (@hailey_welch93). Expert oddsmakers have set the odds at +600 (14.3% probability) for her to reach 1 million followers by the end of 2024. Given her rapid rise to fame and the viral nature of her content, reaching this milestone isn't out of the question.

Social media growth can often be exponential, especially when influencers consistently engage their audience with trending and relatable content. If Welch continues to leverage her viral moments and expand her online presence, she could very well see her follower count skyrocket.

TV Fame for “Hawk Tuah Girl” A Strong Possibility

The odds for Hailey Welch appearing in a TV commercial are set at -150, suggesting a 60% probability that she will land such an opportunity. TV commercials often seek out individuals who can capture the audience's attention quickly, and Welch's viral fame and unique personality make her a prime candidate.

Brands looking to connect with younger, internet-savvy consumers might find Welch's appeal and relatability a perfect fit for their marketing campaigns. Her presence in a commercial could further solidify her status as a mainstream media personality. Brands like Trojan may be strongly considering Welch for a campaign.