Sports Betting

The Pro League Network has gained approval in New Jersey to allow wagering on CarJitsu

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CarJitsu New Jersey pic

In the United States, most people have never heard of the Pro League Network (PLN). They offer bettable sports to sportsbook operators during the slower season in the sports betting calendar. The PLN readies and monitors each of their sports for wagering. Recently, CarJitsu was approved to wager in New Jersey. It’s exactly what it sounds like—Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu while in a car. Other sports offered by the PLN are mini-golf and slapfighting. Down the line, the PLN will work with major sportsbooks like DraftKings and bet365. PLN co-founder Mike Salvris said this.

New Jersey has had the most time to develop its regulatory regimen,” said Mike Salvaris. “It’s a very well-developed process in terms of what they look at and how they look at it. In terms of other states, we’re certainly going to take it as far and wide as we can. Some are more cautious than others, some might take a little bit longer to get there. They want to see it live in the market for a little bit.”

What expectations does the PLN have for CarJitsu in New Jersey?

New Jersey was not the only state where the PLN has gained approval for wagering on specific sports. The states joining New Jersey are Arizona, Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Kansas, Maryland, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennesee, and Wyoming. According to Mike Salvaris, the PLN has said their betting handle has grown mid-double digits at every event. He noted that the PLN needs to establish a “period of frequency”. They want to start offering more events regularly. PLN co-founder Bill Yucatonis noted that the PLN has been around for over a decade. 

That was his response when the PLN was asked if they took inspiration from pandemic-era success. For example, ping-pong betting in Colorado was one of the main markets available. Yucatonis said that the PLN is interested in offering an intentionally made-for-wagering product. Mike Salvaris said the PLN did take inspiration from horse racing and table tennis. In terms of their availability, specifically being offered at different times throughout the day. Salvaris claims that the PLN is different from horse racing in the fact that their league is much more approachable for the average fan. With the PLN, Salvaris wants to change the way media is consumed. They’re certainly doing that with next-level entertainment like CarJitsu.