{"id":1585824,"date":"2024-06-26T02:51:36","date_gmt":"2024-06-26T06:51:36","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/sports7.us\/?page_id=1585824"},"modified":"2024-06-26T07:28:42","modified_gmt":"2024-06-26T11:28:42","slug":"editorial-policy","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/sports7.us\/editorial-policy\/","title":{"rendered":"Editorial Policy"},"content":{"rendered":"\nAt Sports7, our mission is to deliver expert, accurate, and insightful content on casinos and betting sites. Our experienced team ensures every review is thorough, impartial, and trustworthy. We prioritize providing our readers with reliable information and confident recommendations. Rest assured, we keep you informed and ahead in the world of online gambling.<\/p>\n

The Editorial Team at Sports7<\/h2>\n

The editorial team here at Sports7.com is composed of skilled experts with extensive experience in the casino and betting industry. Each member is dedicated to thorough research and unbiased analysis, ensuring every piece of content is accurate and insightful.<\/p>\n

Keeping up with the fast-paced online gambling industry can be challenging, but we aim to keep you confidently informed. Our experienced team of experts guarantees that all reviews and articles here at Sports7 are highly informative, reliable, and up-to-date.<\/p>\n

Meet The Team<\/h3>\n
\n \n \"Kyle\n <\/a>\n
\n Kyle Dalton<\/span>\n Sports Editor<\/span>\n Kyle Dalton began covering sports in 1992 after he graduated from the University of Texas school of journalism. He published his book Burned Orange: Tom Penders and 10 Years at the University of Texas<\/em> in 2000, and joined Sports7 in 2020. Kyle expertly covers the NFL, NASCAR, and NCAA football.\r\n\r\nKyle finds inspiration in the unscripted drama of sports, the compelling journeys and life stories of the athletes who play the games, and he enjoys reading the work of Mitch Albom. He is a rabid consumer of all sports on all platforms: TV, Twitter, podcasts, live events, and more.<\/span>\n \n Full Profile<\/span>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n \n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n
\n \n \"Stephen\n <\/a>\n
\n Stephen Sheehan<\/span>\n Sports Editor<\/span>\n Stephen Sheehan began his sportswriting career as a high school student covering sports for the South Florida Sun-Sentinel through a student outreach program. He wrote for Bleacher Report and Fan Rag Sports and worked full-time for Sports7 in 2020 and 2021. Stephen specializes in covering the NFL, particularly the New England Patriots<\/a>.\r\n\r\nStephen is inspired by the stories sports can tell, from money to tragedies to breaking news; there are so many different ways to cover the industry. He monitors Twitter and various websites every day to find stories to tell in unique ways.\r\n\r\nStephen was a 2008 Culpepper Journalism Foundation Fellowship winner, received a bachelor's degree in journalism in 2013 and a master's in sports management in 2015 from the University of Florida, and is an active rugby player and former rugby and football coach.<\/span>\n \n Full Profile<\/span>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n \n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n
\n \n \"Darrelle\n <\/a>\n
\n Darrelle Thompson<\/span>\n Sports Editor<\/span>\n Darrelle is a contributing writer for Sports7. When not writing about the NBA or college football, he enjoys spending time with his family and getting into discussions about the tv show Homeland.<\/span>\n \n Full Profile<\/span>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n \n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n
\n \n \"Jacob\n <\/a>\n
\n Jacob Mayer<\/span>\n Sports Editor<\/span>\n Jacob Mayer is a motorsports writer who has covered NASCAR since 2008, starting at Fox Sports. He has also covered the sport for the Amarillo Globe-News as well as for his own website, \"Monday Morning Crew Chief\", for several years. His coverage has forayed into multiple mediums, as he co-hosted an online show about racing and covered the sport in person at Texas Motor Speedway while working for AGN.\r\n\r\nWhile Jacob is an expert on NASCAR, he also has expertise and passion for baseball.\r\n\r\nWhen he was working as a reporter for the college newspaper at Southern Illinois University Carbondale \u2014 where he received his degree in journalism \u2014 Jacob won an award for in-depth reporting at the Illinois state level.\r\n\r\nFinally, Jacob is a massive St. Louis Blues fan.<\/span>\n \n Full Profile<\/span>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n \n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n
\n \n \"Jared\n <\/a>\n
\n Jared Turner<\/span>\n Sports Editor<\/span>\n Jared Turner is a motorsports<\/a> writer who has covered NASCAR for 18 years. He has interviewed 20 NASCAR Hall of Famers and around 100 drivers, crew chiefs, and team owners, both past and present.\r\n\r\nHe has also covered the sport for FOX Sports (where he was a two-time recipient of the FOX \u201cX\u201d Award for \u201cXtraordinary\u201d job performance), NASCAR.com, Sporting News, the SPEED network, and plenty of other online and print-only publications throughout his career.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nA former member of the National Motorsports Press Association, Jared has racked up accolades both for his writing and his academic work, studying both Communications and Psychology at Virginia Tech, where he was permanently enshrined in Phi Beta Kappa. He excels at feature writing and opinion writing, much of which stems from his dedication to all levels of racing.<\/span>\n \n Full Profile<\/span>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n \n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n
\n \n \"James\n <\/a>\n
\n James Foglio<\/span>\n Sports Editor<\/span>\n James is a dedicated sportswriter. He earned his bachelor's degree in English and Creative Writing from Southern New Hampshire University. James enjoys watching sports and helping gamblers win money.<\/span>\n \n Full Profile<\/span>\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n \n <\/div>\n <\/div><\/div><\/div>\n

View All 70+ Experts<\/a><\/p>\n<\/div>\n

Editorial Integrity<\/h2>\n

Editorial integrity is the cornerstone of our content. We are committed to delivering unbiased, accurate, and transparent information. Here\u2019s how we ensure the highest standards in our reviews and articles:<\/p>\n

Unbiased Insights<\/h3>\n

Our team maintains strict impartiality in all reviews and analyses. We prioritize honesty and objectivity, ensuring our content reflects genuine evaluations free from any external influence.<\/p>\n

Fact-Checked Excellence<\/h3>\n

Every piece of content undergoes rigorous fact-checking by our experts to guarantee the highest level of reliability and trustworthiness. We test the casinos ourselves to ensure we get the facts right, rather than relying on other player reviews.<\/p>\n

Clarity in Every Detail<\/h3>\n

We strive for clarity in our writing. Complex topics are broken down into easy-to-understand information, making sure our readers can grasp every detail of our reviews and articles with ease. When terms and conditions are not clear, we proactively contact customer support to obtain accurate answers, ensuring our content remains precise and trustworthy.<\/p>\n

Full Source Transparency<\/h3>\n

Transparency is key to our editorial process. We provide clear citations and references for all data and claims, allowing you to verify the information and trust our content's authenticity.<\/p>\n

Continuous Review and Correction<\/h3>\n

Our commitment to accuracy doesn't stop at publication. We continuously review our content and promptly correct any errors, ensuring our information remains up-to-date and reliable at all times.<\/p>\n

Affiliate Disclosure<\/h3>\n

We believe in honesty about our business relationships. When we include affiliate links, we clearly disclose these to our readers, maintaining transparency and trust in our editorial practices.<\/p>\n

What Do We Cover?<\/h2>\n

We provide comprehensive coverage of the most popular sports leagues, delivering in-depth analysis, updates, and insights. Our expert team ensures you stay informed and engaged with the latest developments in the world of sports.<\/p>\n


Our NFL coverage includes detailed game previews, post-game analyses, player profiles, and breaking news. We dive into team strategies, player performances, and league trends to bring you the most accurate and engaging content.<\/p>\n


For NBA enthusiasts, we offer extensive coverage of games, player stats, trade rumors, and team dynamics. Our content highlights key moments, in-depth analyses, and expert opinions to keep you updated on everything happening on and off the court.<\/p>\n


Our NHL section provides thorough coverage of games, player movements, and team strategies. From game recaps to season predictions, we deliver insightful content that keeps hockey fans informed and excited about their favorite teams and players.<\/p>\n


Our golf coverage encompasses major tournaments, player rankings, and course reviews. We offer expert analysis of game strategies, player performances, and key events to keep golf enthusiasts well-informed and engaged.<\/p>\n


In our soccer section, we cover major leagues and tournaments worldwide, including match previews, player highlights, and team news. Our in-depth analyses and updates ensure soccer fans are always up-to-date with the latest developments.<\/p>\n


Our NASCAR coverage includes race previews, results, driver profiles, and team strategies. We provide detailed insights into the world of stock car racing, keeping fans informed about the latest news and developments.<\/p>\n

Sports Betting<\/h3>\n

We offer comprehensive content on sports betting, including betting tips, odds analysis, and market trends. Our expert team provides strategies and insights to help bettors make informed decisions and stay ahead in the betting world.<\/p>\n


Our casino coverage includes detailed reviews of online casinos, game guides, and legal updates in different states across the US and the globe. We ensure our readers have the most accurate and trustworthy information to enhance their gaming experience and make informed choices.<\/p>\n

We Respect Your Privacy<\/h2>\n

We value your integrity and are committed to protecting your privacy. In view of this, we adhere to strict privacy policies, ensuring your personal information is secure and never shared without your consent.<\/p>\n

Your Feedback is Important<\/h2>\n

We value your input and are eager to hear from you. Your feedback helps us improve and deliver the content you need. Share your thoughts and suggestions with us to make Sports7 even better.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

At Sports7, our mission is to deliver expert, accurate, and insightful content on casinos and betting sites. Our experienced team ensures every review is thorough, impartial, and trustworthy. We prioritize providing our readers with reliable information and confident recommendations. Rest assured, we keep you informed and ahead in the world of online gambling. The Editorial […]<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":311,"featured_media":0,"parent":0,"menu_order":0,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","template":"page-templates\/page-simple.php","meta":{"_acf_changed":false,"footnotes":""},"acf":[],"yoast_head":"\nEditorial Policy - Honest Reviews Based on Strict Guidelines<\/title>\n<meta name=\"description\" content=\"The impartial Sports7 team follows strict editorial guidelines. 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