{"id":1092124,"date":"2020-01-29T16:23:10","date_gmt":"2020-01-29T21:23:10","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/sports7.us\/?p=1092124"},"modified":"2020-01-29T16:23:14","modified_gmt":"2020-01-29T21:23:14","slug":"is-patrick-mahomes-the-nfls-version-of-michael-jordan","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/sports7.us\/news\/is-patrick-mahomes-the-nfls-version-of-michael-jordan\/","title":{"rendered":"Is Patrick Mahomes the NFL\u2019s version of Michael Jordan?"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

If you want to start a spirited\ndebate, throw out the names of two greats from different eras in a sport and make\nthe case why one is better than the other. If all-out brawls are more your\nstyle, pick athletes from two different sports and anoint the guy whose career\nis just starting as the earlier icon\u2019s worthy successor.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

That came into play recently with a column putting forth the premise that Kansas City Chiefs<\/a> quarterback Patrick Mahomes<\/a> will have no rival<\/a> in the NFL in the same fashion that Michael Jordan was at a level of his own in the NBA.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Patrick Mahomes fills the vacuum coming in the post-Tom Brady era<\/h2>\n\n\n\n

Mahomes is the new Brady. Biggest plus for him right now is there is no Peyton Manning around his own age to challenge him. (I don\u2019t buy Lamar, Deshaun or Jimmy G as long range anywhere near his equal.) If he stays healthy, he\u2019s poised for a long reign of dominance.<\/p>— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) January 19, 2020<\/a><\/blockquote>