{"id":1162394,"date":"2020-05-05T12:33:14","date_gmt":"2020-05-05T16:33:14","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/sports7.us\/?p=1162394"},"modified":"2020-05-05T12:33:16","modified_gmt":"2020-05-05T16:33:16","slug":"there-was-a-glaring-omission-in-episode-6-of-the-last-dance-involving-horace-grant-that-has-all-the-layers-of-a-classic-michael-jordan-grudge","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/sports7.us\/news\/there-was-a-glaring-omission-in-episode-6-of-the-last-dance-involving-horace-grant-that-has-all-the-layers-of-a-classic-michael-jordan-grudge\/","title":{"rendered":"There Was a Glaring Omission in Episode 6 of ‘The Last Dance' Involving Horace Grant That Has All the Layers of a Classic Michael Jordan Grudge"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

As millions have seen over the last three weeks during The\u00a0Last\u00a0Dance<\/a><\/em>, Michael Jordan is a complex individual. Like most human beings, there are many sides to this man. It's just that most of us don't have 10-part documentaries made about us to showcase every side. There's the competitive side, which helped Jordan to six NBA titles with the Chicago Bulls in the 1990s alongside the likes of Scottie Pippen, Dennis Rodman, Toni Kukoc,<\/a> and Horace Grant. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

But then there's the petty side of MJ, the side that holds a grudge, the side that came out during his insanely awkward Hall of Fame speech in 2009. We've also seen this side during The\u00a0Last\u00a0Dance<\/em>, the biggest instance coming when speaking on Isiah Thomas<\/a> and the Detroit Pistons walking off the court in the 1991 Eastern Conference Finals. But those grudges might not be just for those that played against Michael Jordan.<\/a> <\/p>\n\n\n\n

So I'm watching episode six of The\u00a0Last\u00a0Dance<\/em> on Sunday night and I noticed a big omission from the clips of the 1993 NBA Finals in which the Bulls beat Charles Barkley<\/a> and the Phoenix Suns. And I'm wondering if that omission came from an earlier part of the episode involving Horace Grant. Allow me to explain. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

Michael Jordan blames Horace Grant for leaking info to Sam Smith for ‘The Jordan Rules'<\/h2>\n\n\n\n

About a quarter of the way through episode six of The\u00a0Last\u00a0Dance<\/em>, “The Jordan Rules”<\/a> book written by Sam Smith becomes the main topic of conversation. This was the book that pretty much first shed some light on the fact that Michael Jordan was not a perfect person. Chronicling the 1990-1991 season of the Chicago Bulls, Sam Smith told story after story on topics such as Jordan's intensity in practices, including some fistfights with teammates, his initial disdain of Phil Jackson's triangle offense, and so much more. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

The big question was exactly who was providing Smith with all of this behind-the-scenes information. As we all saw during The\u00a0Last\u00a0Dance<\/em>, Michael Jordan has no doubt in his mind that it was Horace Grant, who some said was insanely jealous of all the attention that Jordan received. However, as we saw, Horace Grant fully denies all of those accusations. But as we know, if Michael Jordan believes something, he's usually not going to change his mind.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Michael Jordan had a lot of control over ‘The Last Dance'<\/h2>\n\n\n\n