{"id":1185617,"date":"2020-06-22T05:25:59","date_gmt":"2020-06-22T09:25:59","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/sports7.us\/?p=1185617"},"modified":"2022-01-04T16:32:47","modified_gmt":"2022-01-04T21:32:47","slug":"iman-shumpert-invested-in-uber-and-then-sold-it-like-an-idiot","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/sports7.us\/news\/iman-shumpert-invested-in-uber-and-then-sold-it-like-an-idiot\/","title":{"rendered":"Iman Shumpert Invested in Uber and Then Sold It ‘Like an Idiot'"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

Many iconic athletes make a lot of money<\/a> investing. Once in a while, though, an athlete will slip up. One notable tale on this front involves NBA star Iman Shumpert<\/a>‘s big faux pas of investing in Uber, then dropping out. This might be a warning tale about how to do more research on investments. Nevertheless, Shumpert still has a lot of money smarts.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

In recent interviews, he talks about how to invest smarter. His secret involves investing in one's personal talents<\/a>. With a sideline rap career, he gives new meaning to money.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Iman Shumpert's NBA career<\/h2>\n\n\n\n