{"id":1476816,"date":"2022-02-05T20:34:24","date_gmt":"2022-02-06T01:34:24","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/sports7.us\/?p=1476816"},"modified":"2022-02-05T20:34:25","modified_gmt":"2022-02-06T01:34:25","slug":"mike-joy-reveals-ufc-president-dana-white-now-invested-nascar","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/sports7.us\/news\/mike-joy-reveals-ufc-president-dana-white-now-invested-nascar\/","title":{"rendered":"Mike Joy Reveals UFC President Dana White Is Now Invested in NASCAR During Practice Coverage of Clash at the Coliseum"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

Drivers, their teams, and NASCAR fans have been eagerly anticipating this weekend since it was announced last year. The start of the 2022 Cup Series<\/a> season with the first-ever Clash at the Coliseum<\/a> in LA has generated a buzz in the sport not felt in years.\u00a0<\/p>\n\n\n\n

On Saturday morning, California time, the first cars took to the track and turned laps during multiple practice sessions. Toward the end of practice, Fox's Mike Joy turned heads with a comment, revealing that UFC President Dana White<\/a> is now invested in NASCAR. And Clint Bowyer approved.\u00a0 \u00a0<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Mike Joy reveals partnership between UFC's Dana White and NASCAR <\/h2>\n\n\n\n